Linkedt tests and reviews products,
at the end of our reviews you will find a refferal link giving you the oppertunity to buy the product. Usualy these links will direct you to Amazon, if the reader buys The product, gets a commition, wich we use to finanze ourselves.

Most of that money will be reinvestet to Linkedt so we can test and review more
products for you.
We are also planning on hosting contests where you can winn gift cards and other
cool things.

How does Linkedt work,

Welcome to Linkedt.

Linkedt belives,
that many people could
improve things in their lives or even themselves with some simple gadgets
or Items, that they might not know yet.
Therefore we have gathered some great
products and reviewed them for you.


We are still building and testing our page but we have decidet to make this part of the project public.
If you have critic or suggestions regarding our site, we would greatly appreciate you, telling us about your thoughts.

In the near future our focus, lies on finishing the website and building a great audience.

Our future,